dozhillyer 18th January 2014

The first time I met Bob he made a lasting impression, and over the last 24 years we had our moans and groans but I can honestly say I am proud to be allowed in to his family. I can’t start to imagine the life he had before I knew him apart from the stories he had told me about his days down the pit and one day deciding that was it and joined the army. How he spoke, the army was his life and he loved it. I have no end of admiration for him because he was one of many who put his life on the line every day just to keep us safe. One of my main regrets is I never told him how much I admired him for what he did for Queen and Country. I can’t forget his music can I; we used to go round the pubs watching him sing and play his guitar and when he joined the band Cincinnati he was in his element. Thank you for your friend ship and love. I will miss you and do my best to be there for the family that you left behind. Always in my thoughts Darren